Probability & Statistics

Probability & Statistics #


Course Description #

This course will consist of a broad coverage of topics in applied statistics and probability, which will give students the ability to make more informed decisions based on analysis of quantitative data. Everyday, the world is inundated with charts and graphs, by data, by polls, and by statements and claims made by people wanting to sell things or convince people of something. Understanding probability and statistics is essential in today’s world, where print and electronic media are full of numerical information and interpretation. Statistics is the mathematics we use to collect, organize, and interpret numerical data, from test scores to shopper’s product preferences. Probability is the study of uncertainty and assessing the likelihood of real events occurring, whether it is games of chance, genetics or weather prediction.

Units of Study #

1 Exploring and Understanding Data
Learn the difference between categorical and quantitative data, and how to summarize them through various charts and averages.
2 Exploring Relationships Between Variables
Learn how to determine if two data variables are associated, and if they are, create a model to predict behavior.
3 Gathering Data
Gathering data is tricker than it seems. Learn when to use simulations and how to account for bias in surveys.
4 Randomness and Probability
This last unit focuses on predicting events using probability laws. This includes events that are independent of each other and those depend on the occurrence of another event.

Grading #

  • The official gradebook will exist on Canvas, with Genesis only having the overall grade.
  • Grading is point-based, though assignments are worth roughly 10%, class participation 20%, quizzes 30%, and tests 40% of your marking period grade.
  • Late work will receive only partial credit.